Friday, December 24, 2010

Hmmmm.  Just a thought.  The Holiday cooks and gift givers are in a frenzy today.  Every parking lot seems packed. 

I saw two (at least) fender benders yesterday.  I saw twisted faces, and people flicking each other off as they drove around each other frantically.  I heard people blaring car horns at each other -- much more than the gentle, friendly "toot" that says "The Light is Green, let's get going". 

In the midst of the chaos, something new is birthing. 

How might you respond? 

How will you communicate the light of love and peace and joy today?  Will you cast a smile at the car beside you?  Might you give a clerk some words of encouragement?  How about leaving more than a 15% tip for the waitress?  How about letting somebody in your family know that if all the preparations don't get done perfectly, Christmas will still come? 

Shhhhhh....  peace to all!

1 comment:

Jenns said...

I don't see all that in the country area. the roads are easily traveled. the smaller mom and pop or Amish country stores are less crowded. Amish and Mennonite are happy happy faces.
I am blessed. I never shop in the city and stay away from all the anger I used to see with the twisted faces. This was a reminder to me. Thanks, now I am more appreciative when I shop in those smaller areas.