Saturday, December 25, 2010

You may not know.....

One of the popular Christmas songs is “Mary, Did You Know?” by Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene.  Although the lyrics apply directly to the mother and child, the question (which reaches out to each listener) is “When Jesus is born, do you realize who he is and what he is about to do?”
It can be startling to see something unimaginable sprouting in our midst.
For many of us it is not that we don’t expect things to change… most of us have accepted the reality that change is an inevitable sign of life.  We understand that everything -- our appearance, our financial reality, and, of course the weather --  will be “different” from season to season.  As people of the 21st Century, though, we insist upon being able to know when a change will occur… probably because we have the capability to know so many things almost instantaneously.  “Just google it!”  We are so accustomed to being able to forecast both progress and regress that our eyes, hearts and minds may be blind to the possibilities unleashed by God. 
Since we can’t predict what God will do or dictate the timing of God’s action in our midst, we may even become frustrated or impatient.  “Things aren’t moving fast enough!”  or “I didn’t expect that to happen!”  may be amongst the human murmurs, even when we say that we believe that God in Christ is in our presence doing all sorts of new things.  

Christ is Born…  into our hearts and our lives.   Sin is cast out as God’s Love enters in.  All sorts of fresh possibilities for new life and magnificent displays of love are sprouting.  Perhaps in the years ahead somebody will look at you and say…. “So, when God’s Gift of Christ  was given to you in 2010, did you know what was about to unfold?” 

May the joy and hope of Christ be born in you and in your family.  You may not know specifically about all that will follow, but trust that it will be to God’s Glory and that it will be in the Spirit of Peace, Hope and Good Will towards all! 

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