I'm off to my mini-retreat.... Take time as you approach this weekend to gaze at your week honestly...where has your focus been clarified? How have you been challenged or distracted? Have there been points of tenderness or pain that you will be presenting for healing when you approach your Sanctuary on Saturday or Sunday? How have you experienced deep joy? God's mercy and love are all around you, so open your hands and heart to receive!
The miracles described in the Bible are passages I love to read over and over. They fill me with awe and fresh wonder every time I reflect on them.
When I experience or witness miracles today, it comforts me intensely as a thread that connects me to the miracles of old--not as public, not recorded perhaps, but just as real as then.
The miracles have never stopped. Father, may our spirits always be open to their presence, ongoing signs through the ages of your deep love.
There is a reverberation that is emitted from a miracle -- When others hear or read about the happening, something sings in their heart. The song is God's love -- the song is the promise that Christ lives and moves in our midst.
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