Monday, May 14, 2007


This weekend's epistle lesson gave us a glimpse of how God imparts wisdom to those who seek to follow God's lead. (As always, the hope of the church is that somehow what transpired on the Sabbath Day prepared or equipped us for the week ahead.) Sometimes for months we experience the process where we seek God's direction early in the planning phase... and by God's grace the event unfolds seamlessly and without a glitch. It seems to flow just according to "plan".

The longer we live, though, the more we can see that life is not a purely linear progression of planning and unfolding of plans. Something today does not always lead directly to something anticipated and relevant tomorrow. Sometimes an interruption of our hopes and dreams leads us to a place where (if we are willing) something much more lasting can take place. Sometimeswe experience an incubation process, where an event seemed settled -- done -- closed -- and yet we find since that time our prayer and our spiritual formation has moved us in ways so that what seemed to be closed is very, very much a part of what is called for "Right Now".

In last week's readings, (Acts 16:9-15) St. Paul encountered challenges to his "plans" that provided him an opportunity to show the church of all ages how obstructed plans may well direct our feet to people and places where God's amazing intention will be revealed. Paul meant to go to Asia... those plans were obstructed "by the Holy Spirit" and "by the Spirit of Jesus". His path was diverted, but remained open, through prayer, to God's guidance regarding what was to be done. As is so often the case, something new unfolded that had not yet been envisioned!

In this time when we approach a flurry of family "activities" (beginning with Mother's Day... moving on to proms, graduations, weddings and Father's Days... then the summer family reunions") I want to encourage you to prayerfully consider family plans that may have been blocked by "something" in the last month or so. Take an honest look to see how you "are" with disruptions, especially when you have a high degree of investment in either planning or participating in some particular event.

Especially when you are disappointed or frustrated... pray. Especially when family gatherings may draw you into connections that you thought were "finished"... pray. Remember the power and grace of the One who knows your thoughts, hopes, dreams and frustrations before they emerge into your consciousness!




frank schenck said...

It is enlightening how the Holy Spirit works among us! I had just finished writing to my staff person at the Shalem Institute of Spiritual Formation about a person who had come to me for spiritual direction. She was suddenly experiencing some strong frustrations in her life centered around work and family. After some discernment I told her that frustration can be a positive force for change. Sometimes it is the working of the Holy Spirit telling us to go in another direction. Possibly a previous alternative which had appeared to be blocked or unworkable is now open. It is a time for reexamination and looking for alternatives. It is like the old saying that when one door closes another door opens with God's door keeper, the Holy Spirit, being the doorman. Even though the frustration is disconcerting and upsetting it can be a sign for positive rather then negative or undesired changes.

Pamela Czarnota said...

Sometimes the Holy Spirit moves with synergy -- In other words, there is an awakening of awareness about "something" that occurs amongst members of a community that opens floodgates! We are approaching the remembrance of one of the largest such moments (Pentecost).... but so often we share awakenings or enlightenments of smaller proportion that have amazing ripple effects! Pamela