Thursday, March 13, 2014


Starter Prayer:  "God, if you ask us to treat others as we would have them treat ourselves, then help me to believe that you operate in just the same way.  You must treat me exactly as I would want to be treated -- at my truest and best level."

Richard Rohr says that "true prayer is always seconding the motion--which motion always comes from God.  You will now pray for what God already wants to give you and prompts within you, and that is why it will always happen (admittedly, often in a very different way that we first imagined!)"

Complex stuff in today's reading -- in simplest terms, whenever we pray it is an echo of some drop of God's word that has fallen into our heart.  our heart begins to revereberate.  The echo grows and eventually makes its way into our consciousness -- and our prayer becomes articulate.

It is not always our first inclination to let prayer emerge from a time of patient "waiting for The Lord."  Quite often we decide what outcome we want and then we pray for it to happen.  We start in our mind and then expect God to pulse and move and companion us according to what we want.


The drop of God's action in Christ roots your heart in God's love -- and it beats and reverberates and expands and spills outward as you pray in ways that glorify God and serve others.

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