Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy Trap

"God, where am I trapped and unable to see it?"  (From Wondrous Encounters by Richard Rohr)

I came across this image of a light weight trap.  
 You can see an insect trapped in the center.  The trap is light, airy, with multiple access points.  For a while the insect could move about, basically oblivious to the deepening entanglements.  This oblivion was experienced, perhaps, as a sense of contentment, even purpose.  But the reality is that the trap was more in control than the creature.

So.... here I am again, seeing myself on this path... wondering if I am not as free as I think.  It feels airy, it feels like I can move freely.  But am I moving deeper into an entanglement?

God, where am I trapped and unable to see it?

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