Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, Fourth Week of Lent

Have you been walking a tight rope lately?

On that thin path of feeling secure about your life, your roles and your relationships, there is always a chance that something will shift.  If you lose your shelter, or your status, or your physical prowess what will happen?  What if someone says something that hurts?  Or if you suddenly feel abandoned by a group that was previously welcoming and affirming?

We need balance and perspective as we walk our path.  Leaning into faith can stabilize us.  Furthermore, if all of our worldly "goods" (tangible or not) disappear, and we tumble, our faith will proide the net that we need.

Here is Nouwen's question for today:  What did the most recent crisis in your life reveal about the basis for your security?

Prayer:  Gracious and loving God, forgive me for the times I have looked for security in worldly goods rather than in you.

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