Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, Second Week of Lent

Painful Contradictions Push Us Towards God

I have never put much stock in the theology that says that God sends adversity our way to teach us a lesson.  However I do believe that any life lived to its fullest will contain moments of paradox that can be challenging, even painful.

In paradox we see dark and light in the same situation -- pain and pleasure -- tears of sorrow that can move quickly to tears of joy.   And in paradox we experience a tension that is released when we shift our focus from our struggles and lean completely upon God's loving presence.

Life's contradictions provide texture that activates faith in new ways.

When you encounter restlessness (especially when circumstances seem benign or status quo) there is an invitation to pause and look around -- is there something more going on that God is asking you to consider?  When you feel lonely in the midst of a group of people,  or when you feel a craving even though you are not literally hungry, it is a good indication that God is offering you what only God can provide.  You may not be able to name what it is.  That is ok.

Shift your focus from the restlessness and simply say "yes" to God -- see what happens.

Prayer:  Lord, help me to realize that my heart and mind will be restless until they rest in you.

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