Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, Second Week of Lent

Monday, Second Week of Lent

Pray for the Grace to Forgive

Margaret keeps coming to mind whenever I think about forgiveness.

We were at a fellowship dinner.  She was about 6 years old, and she was allowing me to crayon with her -- with her new crayons.

Everything was going well.  We were drawing and shading and creating not only art but a relationship.  We were laughing and talking about lots of other stuff besides crayons and paper.

Then "snap"!  My crayon broke, as crayons often do.

The easy conversation was over.

"Oh, I am SO SORRY Margaret!"  I meant it with all my heart.

Margaret had been taught to forgive, and she said: "I forgive you."

But I knew from the look on her face and the way she gathered together the crayons and papers that our connection was broken.  I trusted that I could make amends (maybe buy her a box of new crayons?) but it was really up to Margaret to be open to spending any more time with me.

Before the end of the evening I heard Margaret's voice in the hallway saying "Pam!  Pam!"  She ran up to me and as I knelt down to her to look her directly in the eye she wrapped her arms around me.  She said:  "I forgive you, and it's OK!!!!!"  The crayon was still broken, but our relationship could now resume.

When we forgive others our hearts soften and we have the hope to be able to say:  It is OK!  Doors that were previously locked tightly open to the possibility of new ways of relating to one another.

Prayer:  Lord, help me to forgive all who have hurt me.

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