Sunday, December 19, 2010

Aah, Holy Joseph!

There will be alot of talk about Joseph today.  He is front and center in the gospel lesson...with all of his human confusion , all of his wonder about what life has brought his way, and, ultimately all of his faith and trust that under God's guidance all is mysteriously well. 

Joseph's life was overturned by God's intention to enter the world. Of course!  We can understand that!  Many of us can identify with the experience of our plans unraveling in the face of a dilemma.
Being a righteous man, he took time to wrestle with how to proceed following Mary's surprising news that she was pregnant.  As long as Joseph stayed focused upon what to do about his situation and how it would impact his life, his vision was myopic.  As he relied upon the dictates of society, that is, what would be in line with the norm of the day, he was literally drawn away from God's hope for him.  He reached the decision to send Mary and her unborn child on their way. 

Enter the Angel. 

I would imagine that after all the mind work it took for Joseph to reach his decision, he may have been exhausted.  He may have entered a peaceful sleep, as we often do, when our mind is made up.  Our course of action has been determined and the swirling thoughts and myriad options settle down, at last!  

But the Lord had other plans, even for that particular night.  In order for God's hope for Joseph and Mary (and for you and me and for all of creation) to unfold, Joseph had to be interrupted again.  His plan collapsed in the face of the angel...and his journey was then aligned with what God would accomplish through the Holy Family. 

I can think of many times, especially when I believe that my plans are in accordance with the best possible results, that an interruption to those plans feels like an affront.  Surprise evolves into hurt or disappointment and then my intellect attempts to figure out what plan B might be. 

But wisdom reminds me that when God is at work, things don't always make sense to the mind.  Faith invites me rest into the question:  "How might the Lord be involved in this interruption".  Is it possible that the Angel of Insight might be hovering around my wonder about how to proceed? 

After all, in the family of faith, stranger things have happened, right? 

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