Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Years ago artistic photographers relied upon lens filters to enhance certain aspects of an image...not only did the photographer need to purchase various types of lenses to attach to the 35 mm camera, but it was also necessary to change the lenses manually with the hopes of maximizing the tones and colors desired and minimize others.

Now you can easily alter the tones in an image with the clicks of computer buttons to achieve a desired effect:

This process of maximizing some aspects of perspective and minimizing others relates well to the process of prayerful vision. When we hold something in prayer, we seek to gaze at it through a God lens. We hope to see a relationship or a question or a problem as God sees it. We want to focus upon the details that we suppose might be most important to line with Kingdom of Heaven values of compassion, humility, mercy, justice...etc. We want to minimize the values "of the world" -- selfishness, greed, control, deceit, --

The reality is that we can't usually shift mental gears as simply as clicking upon a button. It may take some time of patient, prayerful pondering to begin to get a glimpse of the situation "through a God lens".

But the God lens is always there....God attends to all situations...God utters to the listening, attentive heart God's vision. How would some of the questions and situations you face look different through God's lens? Are there details...or truths...or tones that come forward that you had missed looking through your own eyes?

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