Saturday, May 30, 2009



As a sailor, I spend many hours in many types of wind.

The kind that brushes my skin gently ... like being massaged by a feather.

The kind that tossles my hair capriciously.

The kind that is apparent only by its absence...(painful to a sailor, who doesn't like to drift)

The kind that approaches in gusts...exciting the adrenaline, propelling me into action.

The kind that invites by its consistency...same velocity and direction for hours (yes! this provides a really great ride for the sailor)

The kind that is threatening and that reminds me to be humble enough to say, "better stay on the shore".

Wind.... one of the natural elements that speaks to me of God's amazing Holy Spirit. I came across this painting by Susan Bee.

Do you notice anything unusual about it? Look at the position of the passenger...Since there is nobody (apparently) at the helm of the boat, the passenger must be riding the craft with the trust that somebody (or something) else has control over the direction and ultimate fate of the journey. Now, I'm really not an advocate of abandoning the responsibility of managing the sails, the tiller and the rigging of my craft...especially in high winds.

However...sailing life's winds is a bit different from sailing on the unbriney blue of Lake Erie....

Faithful living often does call for me to simply relinquish my "control" over things (which is, of course, an illusion) and trustingly settle into the ride through the moment.

Blow, spirit, blow... May I be wise enough to know how to trim my sails so I may travel safely through the day....and to know when it is time to simply trust your mysterious navigation and ride along in your gracious care. Amen

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