Wednesday, April 1, 2009


At a recent class about "Worship and Prayer", our CRLC Director of Worship and Music, Joanna Pretz-Anderson, reminded us about our "role" in worship. It is an active, and participatory hour -- not an hour when we are to sit passively in the pew and observe like a casual bystander. This may be particularly obvious to us as we enter into the pageantry and poignancy of Palm Sunday...and then Holy Week...

When we gather...we are to BE gathered in. When there is your heart and mouth and let your voice blend with others. (I recall a saying: The woods would be a very silent place if only the birds who sang well were singing). When scripture is read, receive it with your full is the living word of God and has power and meaning for YOU. During the proclamation (sermon) the meditation and reflection of your heart is part of the message! When we pray...your thoughts, sighs and words are an important component of the prayer of the assembly. When we pass the peace, your gesture to others around you is part of the exponential growth of peace. When you receive communion each week YOU are established again and again and again in the unity of Christ with all of the other forgiven Children of God... And then, of course, you are SENT as a new creation into the world to love and serve others.

All of that is going on every time we gather for worship.

Worship is is a drama...but (as Joanna reminded us) WE ARE THE ACTORS AND GOD IS THE AUDIENCE! How does that shift your attitude about that worship hour? What moves within you when you see yourself being WATCHED by God as you do whatever you as you worship?

I the hour draws to and end, do we take a bow before the Lord as He blesses us and sends us on our way? Or do we try to make a fast exit out a "side entrance"?

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