Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christ is Risen!.....

I've attended several surprise parties in my lifetime....both as part of the crowd huddled together until the guest of honor appears AND as the guest....the one who steps upon the scene to be greeted with "SURPRISE!!!!!" This morning Jesus steps into our midst and proclaims "Surprise!!!!!!" and our hearts reverberate with the uncontainable power of life over death, light over darkness!

If you have ever been the guest of honor at a surprise party, you may recall those moments when you are initially knocked off balance...your skin may have flushed with emotion, your eyes may have moistened, and you may have been temporarily speechless....After a while you pulled yourself back together and began to interact with the group....and then life returned to normal.

Today, embrace the holiest of all surprises.... This is the one that never settles back into normal. Life is and always will be different and new because of Easter....every single year....and especially this one, for this is the year you are living right now! So, as soon as you can, follow Mary, running from the tomb....begin to sing, exclaim, and say....

Christ is Risen! Christ is risen, indeed.... Alleuia!

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