And nearly every time the greeting is exchanged I notice a wave of awkwardness that intermingles with the good news. The voices don't seem to reverberate with the adrenaline rush of amazement and unimaginable joy. (We get more jazzed up when a sports star or political leader come into our community, don't we?)
Perhaps the timidity sprouts, simply, from whatever doubt resides: doubt about our "call" to be Gospel Broadcasters....doubt about any reason why we should be the ones running around and spreading the news...or perhaps there is embarrassment at uttering words that point to a mystery we can't fully comprehend. Perhaps the faith at our core is muted by the blanket of doubt we carry...and the wall of doubt built by what we "see" as the reality of the world.
Then, even in the moment of our doubt,Christ appears, speaking the words of assurance and forgiveness that we need to hear. Christ is persistent...He has told us to go everywhere and spread the good news...and every moment that we falter He breathes His peace into our souls and says "You forgiven!"
How are YOU with those words: "Alleluia! Christ is Risen!"
May God sparkle in all of us
as sunlight upon water,
May we radiate for each other
compassion and hope,
May our work be fruitful,
our joys profound,
our pain redemptive,
May our discipleship be rooted
in the very life of God.
May we be for each other,
for family, for friends,
for those in need,
for those especially
whose faith has come to staleness
and whose hope has died
--a burgeoning ALLELUIA
--light and peace and simplicity
--full gratitude, full openness.
May we take nothing less for granted
than the life we seek
to build up in common.
May we suffer the pain of a
fully generous life.
May we remain steadfast
in the shadow of the cross,
And rise to meet the passion
of this world
Relying always
on the untiring good Spirit of our God.
"Alleluia" written by Kathleen Hughes, "Disciples at the Crossroads: Where Do We Go Now" in Disciples at the Crossroads: Perspectives on Worship and Church Leadership ed. Eleanor Bernstein
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