Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Outdated? Old fashioned? Perhaps -- but so important!

If you have ever had a elder in your household, particularly one born before 1930, you have probably heard the phrase, "The Lord Willing", tacked to almost any statement of intent.  I remember dear old Aunt Catherine, who would qualify all plans, whether they were travelling across town or simply creating a luscious batch of her homemade jam, with the statement "the Lord willing". "I will see you tomorrow, Lord willing."  "This is gonna be a great meal, Lord willing."  Aunt Catherine never believed that her hopes or plans were concrete -- the only thing that was certain for her was that nothing would unfold for her unless it God willed it to be so.

Call it old fashioned or outdated.  These days we have so many resources at our fingertips that help us to predict a trend or to guide our strategic planning.  With the aid of Power Point or Excel we can look at patterns and precedents, and develop fairly good guesses about how our assets and deficits can be managed. Dopplar radar equips us (or agitates us, depending upon your perspective) by looking at weather patterns days in advance.  We live as people who are tempted to consider themselves omniscient.

Not so!   Today's scripture reminds us of the fleeting nature of what we identify as "certain".

We and our notions are like mist, right?  

The only thing that assures permanence is God's will embedded in our plans and actions.  

As I write, many of our CRLC leaders are gearing up to present the 2012 Mission Investment Plan to the congregation.  There will be questions, perhaps some debate.   All an important part of the discernment which will lead to a vote.  

As for me, when the vote is at hand, I want to remember my Aunt Catherine's consistent words:  "Lord Willing."  

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