Thursday, July 21, 2011

Irritating Treasures

Matthew 13:4-46

'Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it."

Pearls are formed when an irritation enters the inner space of an oyster. The oyster secretes a fluid. The coating accumulates in layers around the irritant. Over time a pearl is formed. The longer the irritating substance is in the oyster the more layers are excreted. The more layers excreted, the larger and usually more perfect the pearl becomes.
The largest, most symmetrical pearls are the most rare and most highly valued.

Hmmm... isn't that interesting? To help us understand more about the kingdom of God, Jesus uses the metaphor of something initially irritating that is used by God to create beauty, treasure, rarity.

What does that say about the way we might look at the irritations that enter our lives?

What might be possible if we allow the gracious compassion and patience of God's presence to surround all that pricks or pulls at our lives?

Might there be precious pearls in the making?

The kingdom of heaven is all around, all within, bestowed upon us and revealed to us through Christ.
Look again at those irritations. They may be the beginnings of Kingdom treasures.

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