Monday, July 25, 2011

The Cutting Edge

Here's a gruesome tale from 1Kings.

Two women, two babies, one king, one sword.  One truth, with a cutting edge. 


I can envision the scuffle between the two women. One is honest, the other not.  One woman deals with pain by attempting to manipulate her way out of grief.  The other faces impending tragic sacrifice by proclaiming her compassion and her commitment to the greater good. 

Just listen to those two!  It's mine!  No, mine!  Liar! Cheat!  

Solomon's Wisdom leads to the cutting edge of truth, literally and metaphorically.  The jig is up, so to speak, and the argument is over. 

All too often a similar scene emerges within our own inner landscape.  When backed up against a wall of loss or failure caused by our own error (sin) we may bat all sorts of lies or schemes back and forth in an attempt to secure our "way".  We volley (often against ourselves) to the point of absurdity, until Wisdom calls a halt and lifts Truth over our head and heart.   

Perhaps there is a conflict you are facing that could be resolved by presenting it to God's Loving Truth.  What might be exposed if the sharp edge of God's Wisdom could cut away all that is toxic or deceitful?  What would happen if compassion moved you to set aside your side of the argument in the name of a greater good? 

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