Sunday, March 30, 2014

See? See!

Starter Prayer:  God of all Light and Truth, just make sure that I am not a blind man or woman.  Keep me humble and honest and that will be more than enough work for you.  (From Wondrous Encounters by Richard Rohr.)

"I was once blind, and now I see"  John 9:25

"I came into the world to divide it, to make the sightless see and to reveal to those who think they see it all that they are blind."  John 9:39

Recall the times you have been in a dark theater and walk out into the sun.  Or perhaps you have been resting in a darkened room and some inconsiderate or clueless person suddenly turns on the light.  Remember the adjustment period?  It can take a few moments for the eyes to become accustomed to the light.

I have read of medical cases where restored vision is initially intolerable for the previously blind patient.  Perhaps it is sensory overload.  Or maybe the reality that had seemed true in blindness is proven false.  Some patients will choose to keep their eyes closed for extended periods of time, because the world of the blind is so much more familiar than the sighted world.

How has your vision of God, yourself and others been healed?  Where are you still blind or "in the dark"?

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