Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Some things just never change.

There's been alot of talk lately about civility. People are jumping on the bandwagon of organizations or programs that have all sorts of strategies to motivate and encourage people of all ages to be truly civil to one another.  The efforts to expose and prevent bullying have gained momentum, and substantial amounts of money have been dedicated to the age old effort to promote decency and compassion.

There's nothing new about any of that, is there?  The Law of the Lord, The Ten Commandments aren't all that different from playground rules, codes of ethic, or any other covenants of conduct.

So many ways of approaching the same dilemma:   working, playing and living well with one another seems to be an "unnatural" act.  If it was, people wouldn't need to work so hard at it, would we?

The scripture readings for this week have invited us to consider, again, the Ten Commandments (along with all sorts of other rules and regulations).  Today's lesson from Deuteronomy gives specific details about living well together, details that may seem irrelevant to the 21st century guy or gal (at least on the first reading).

But let's be honest with each other.  We still make promises in the moment that, over time, seem to dissolve in the face of time's changes.  We all know the cliche:  That was then, this is now.  Sometimes those words are liberating, of course.  But sometimes they are used as a rationale for breaking a vow.

And then there's the notion of hoarding.  Thousands of years ago folks were told that there would be adequate resources for everybody as long as each person harvested and kept only what was needed for the day.  Hmmmm... sounds like sustainability to me!

It seems that as long as generations of human beings appear on the earth, there will be a place for teaching and practicing rules of conduct.  It seems that as long as people are people they will need to cling to the hope that forgiveness is possible, and mercy and justice will prevail.

Some things just never change.  As long as humans are humans they need the love, the joy and the grace lavished upon us all through Christ!

God simply won't give up on us.  Generations will come and go, situations will  change.  New ways of offending one another will be met toe to toe by God's commandment to love and care for one another and by His promise to empower us to do so!

Some things just never change!  Thanks be to God!

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