Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Follow the Leader

Have you ever been in the presence of a genuine power source? What do you see as your power source -- the source of light, energy and direction?  Needless to say, I am not talking about a nuclear power plant, a hydraulic dam, or a generator, or a windmill or solar cell.   I am talking about a voice that emits words that radiate power long after the sound of the voice or the physical presence of the speaker has dissolved.

I am talking about leadership that invites others beyond the actual situation (the context) into a profound, eternal truth.  I am talking about the kind of follow-ship where we walk a path that has been carved out by the one who went before us.  When we follow that kind of a leader we follow with humility... but as we follow we are also empowered and we become followers who are also leading others who are following us.

I am convinced that phenomenon can only take place when the initial power source is one of  ultimate authority.  I think, perhaps, that is what Jesus is talking about in John 8.  Can you speak clearly about the One who is your main source of power?  Can you say, honestly, that everything you do and say is oriented around and directed by God?  When you have lost your focus, have you been able to notice it readily enough to pause and reorient yourself? Have you stopped and paused to find your bearings, so that you don't lead your followers off course?

 Bottom line is that you may never know who is following you, or who is looking to you as a leader... yet the only way for you to be a powerful, clear leader is to pay attention to whom you are following.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's the story of a driver on a very foggy night who was so confused as to where he was that he decided to follow the red taillights of the fellow in front of him. Unfortunately, he was following so closely that, when the taillights in front of him suddenly brightened, he slammed on his brakes, but was unable to stop in time. He got out and asked the other driver why he'd suddenly stopped. The other driver said, "I'm in my garage."

My pastoral sabbatical concludes soon, and in many ways, it has been precisely about whom I am following, and particularly for the sake of those who follow me.

I'm in northern Michigan presently, and we've used a GPS device given us for Christmas. By and large, I've already known the directions, and yet, the device has been surprisingly helpful. In faith matters, I've gotten into difficulty trying to pilot myself and those following me. My GPS, and that for each of us, needs to be Scripture and prayer. through which the Lord can show us, and those behind us, the way.