Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ebb and flow

This morning's reading from Luke invites deeper appreciation of the rhythmic flow of ministry.

Here's one way to look at it:

I touch Christs hand in prayer.  I am comforted by the knowledge that at the same time I seek Him, He is searching diligently for me.  My heart and mind are filled with His call and His claim upon my life.  I am equipped, indeed empowered to go "out" in His Name.

I walk through my day. I don't do it perfectly.  I bump up against challenges, external and internal.  In some instances I give all that I have, in others I am aware that what I have offered has been rejected, even met with scorn. I feel upended in some ways, and I feel the life draining from me.

I come to the end of the day.  I may feel broken and downtrodden.  I have emptied myself for His work.

I rest in His embrace.  I know that replenishment is close at hand.  I know that true empowerment for ministry can only come from Him.  I know that my life will be full only if all that I am flows toward others, even down to the last tiny drop my life can offer.

Discipleship surrounds us with movement of receiving and releasing all that God gives.

Ebb, flow.  Wax, wane.  Life, death.  That's how it works.  

Are you willing to ride these waves?  Be assured that God will give you all you need, and God will use all that you are given for the good of others!  

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