Friday, February 18, 2011

The "Best"

If you are out and about today, able to move, think and speak, whatever space you occupy will be affected by the fact that you have been there.  You may have an impact that is cataclysmic.  You may do nothing other than create a flutter of energy.  Still, as you come to the end of the day, wouldn't it be marvelous if you could be confident that in some way the world is a better place as a result of your existence?

Today's reading from Galatians generated some interesting musings for me.  It made me think about the power of  external signs of the mysterious, pervasive, lavish Love of God.  It also reminded me that when an external sign is nothing other than an expression of "compliance" its impact is actually directed inward:  that is, I followed the rules.  

When a human being is saturated in the Love of Christ, that Love completely characterizes every intention for every moment.  Therefore, everything that he or she does has the potential to provoke goodness in others.  Just as a single tone will echo in a cave long after its emission, Love manifest in any way will reverberate in space and time, drawing all in its presence closer to God.

What would it be like if all of the words I speak today, every glance and gesture I extend to others, is an embodiment of Love?  What if the deeds of today were chronicled by an observer and cataloged in some sort of graphic for others to see?

Would the word "love" or "Christ" be visible in the words detailing the moments of this day?

Think about it... Long after you have passed through any given hour,  wouldn't it be wonderful if all that remains is Love?  When others hear what you say or notice anything that you do, will they experience more of Christ than they do of you?

That would be, quite simply, the "best", wouldn't it?


Clarence Heller said...

I like to say that "we are flowers of God's Love." We are all expressions of God's Love, and when we cooperate wtih that how marvelous it is. Love is diffusive.

Pamela Czarnota said...

That is a beautiful image...also a fertile one. The idea of being transformed from an "annual"(ie, temporary) to a "perennial" ie.... continuing on, and on and on is fun to contemplate. Then, what about the seeds that we leave behind when our time of blooming is over. And then, finally, how about the play on words... We "flow" with God's love. We are "flow-ers" of God's love, spilling beyond the boundaries of our life into others.

Thanks for the image and the comment! Pamela

Clarence Heller said...

Wow! I have used that image for years and not once did "flow-ers" occur to me. That is beautiful also. Thanks.

We have the closing session of a month long retreat in everyday life tomorrrow. At the end of each of our retreats, we invite each person to take a fresh flower home (usually a rose) and we give a blessing, part of which is "May you continue to blossom as a flower of God's love." I just came home from buying the roses for tomorrow.

Pamela Czarnota said...

I have a single stem rose on my prayer table. Although I appreciate bouquets and nosegays, there are times when a single blossom set apart can speak to the heart of beauty and love.
We benefit from balance...a regular combination of being "apart" from others to appreciate God's intersection with our own lives, and an equally regular integration in community as God's Spirit meanders in our midst, uniting us and empowering us. In community God's Love in our lives combines with that same force in the lives of others, and (oh my!) amazing, absolutely magnificent things begin to unfold!
Blessings to you!