Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bring on the kneelers!

I realize that kneeling is an action that is deemed unpopular in many churches, but on Christ the King Sunday it seems like the only appropriate position to assume. Somehow when I am kneeling I am more deeply in touch with awe....humility...gratitude. When I kneel before the Lord, I am fully present to the meaning of the words: "Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life." When I rise up after kneeling it seems that I can feel His Hand enabling me to do so. 

Read Luke 23:33-43. A visitor to the church today might wonder why we read about the crucifixion on this last Sunday of the church year. Even at the moment of mortal death, Jesus possessed the power and authority to promise a repentant sinner (the criminal)eternal life. Jesus did not use his power to avoid his own death -- but his authority was clear in Jesus' words to the "other" who recognized him as the Messiah. Think of it!  That criminal is the only human being who ever heard, directly from the lips of Jesus, that he would truly be with Him in paradise.

Jesus' human lips are long gone... but through the Holy Spirit those words are spoken to each of us who recognizes Jesus as The Lord of Life, the King of Kings.  I ask Jesus to remember me... and a vast horizon of new life is revealed.  Anything that we experience in the world is merely an eye-blink.  The highs and lows of pleasure and pain are temporary shadows compared to our life in Christ.

Back to kneeling..... 

It is so grievous, I think, that the position has been abused by despicable people who force their victims to kneel before their power.  It saddens me that kneeling is resisted by folks who see it as something that highlights victimization....  yet I acknowledge their feelings.   I pray that their wounded hearts will be strengthened and renewed through the initiative God takes to bless all who suffer.  I pray that they remember that Jesus knelt before the world so that the children of the God could walk with heads high.  Perhaps as God's rule of light and love and life takes hold, resistant feelings will bow down....and kneeling physically won't be so abhorrant. 

One thing I know because I have heard it again and again.... Most of the people who no longer are physically able to kneel before God often say that they wish that they could! 

Most people have seen this image...   and most think it is endearing...  Perhaps it extends an invitation...a gentle massage that can melt away whatever obstructs the willingness to kneel....  Perhaps if we are uncomfortable about kneeling in public we can start by kneeling at our bedside...  Years ago that was fairly typical, right?

If you are able, I encourage you to kneel occasionally this week....perhaps throughout you acknowledge the presence and the approach of the Lord of your Life. When you are kneeling before Christ, you kneel before the only certainty that makes life worth living...the one who makes dying (whether it is a small death of self or the final moment of mortality) a miraculous path to eternity.

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