Friday, September 17, 2010

What more can we say?

Today's daily reading from Romans 8:31-39 answers all of the questions and completes any open ended story of life and death. These words were read, I recall, at the gathering in our sanctuary on the evening of September 11, 2001. It also is read at funerals, especially those following tragic or untimely death.

The words root us in certainty that vanquishes the power of doom...

So why do I ever falter or waver? Why do I ever have that fluttering of adrenaline that says "uh oh!!!!"? Why is it that the truth, absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ, is sometimes muted by that stubborn part of ego?

She (my ego) steps forward (like on those days when the lower lip is hanging out) and says "Oh....but what about here? What about this (or that) event that you are facing? You need to be on your toes, Pamela, because you are up against alot and you need to watch out for yourself!"

I need to remember that at times like that the most powerful adversary, may actually be myself.

Granted... there will always be terrible situations that threaten life and limb. There will be evil and awful actions of human beings that deflect God's intentions that there be justice and peace in this world.

However, at the end of the day, nothing other than God will have the final say. I am convinced of that.

What more can we say?

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