Monday, September 7, 2009


"Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened." Mark 7:34

Sometimes we experience emotional or mental isometrics. I'm referring to a process that is similar to the muscular sensation of being consticted or contracted for a while, and then released, relaxed, at ease. If you want, remind yourself of "isometrics" by tightening some muscle for at least 30 seconds and then releasing it. Try it with your fist, or your neck, or your brow.... It is amazing how the sensation of being contracted builds up, even after a half minute.

Translate that experiment to the space of emotions, or thoughts, or hope or wellness that have been pent up by your will....or by some external factor. There are times when, for the good of the order, we bridle the flow of emotion or articulation. However....recall what is promised as we return to the Lord ...the source of wholeness who calls us to authenticity, and truth. Living in Christ moves us towards an integrated life....where what goes on in our interior life is purified and . As that healing occurs, we are open and available to others. All that we are and all that we have in our pool of gifts and abilities is transformed in ways that glorify God and serve others.

Christ calls us to hear those amazing words: opened.

Christ's touch, reaching us through scripture, through prayer, through Holy Communion, can release and open up all that is tainted, paralyzed or muted. As we allow God to be in charge of what will flow and when, we can surrender into a process of healing that liberates us from pain, dis-ease, fear, and anger. We are made new. We hear things and see things that were previously beyond our awareness. We move and talk and function as healed ones!

No matter what is paralyzing you, blinding you, or obstructing your ability to hear the good, sweet sound of God's presence, Christ has the power to heal you. opened!

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