So it is the day America has set aside as Memorial Day. It is a holiday people anticipate for many reasons. For many, it is venerated as the beginning of summer activities....and in this part of the world it is seen as the symbolic fulfillment of the promises of spring and summer. Although there has been ample wonderful weather already, this weekend is seen by many as the "official" kickoff for outdoor activities: both work and pleasure.
For anybody who has either known a "fallen hero" or been the distant beneficiary of a soldier's sacrifice of service, it is a holiday that is tender. For anybody living in America ...for anybody who has enjoyed freedom of choice to pretty much go, do, think and speak according to his/her desire (pretty much all of us)...this day will (should) include some time for gratitude.
Get your head and heart around that if you can.... Somewhere in the last 225 somebody layed down his/her life in some way to fight for your freedom to "be" on Holiday today. The fight may have been on a battlefield, or in a courtroom. But in someway that life was put on hold so you can play today.
That somebody has a name for me....Scot Newport, VietNam War, a Green Beret. Scot's parents were my mom and dad's closest friends. I can remember when we were 5 and 6 years old we attended many picnics together...played all the relay games, threw water balloons...ate too much junk food. We lost touch as teenagers... but then when Scot went to war we reconnected. When he was home on leave the parents got all of us together. Scot was only home for a while...and was returning to Nam for another tour of duty ... his choice! He died in one of those operations ... the ones that were shaded in ambiguity... None of us ever got a clear or full report about how he died. But he was returned to us.
Memorial Day Weekend in 1974 I stood in a group at a cemetery and held a flag. I heard taps played and a 21 gun salute. It was a dramatically different experience from other Memorial Days when I was a part of a crowd...listening to some dignitary give a speech and hearing the soldier in the distance playing taps. It was different because I had a specific name...and a detailed face in my mind.
Scot Newport. Later on there would be another name -- Bob Kowalski
Whether you agree with the political positions that have resulted in this or that military move truly doesn't matter. Flagwaving or marching in a parade or singing one of our national songs doesn't mark you as a "hawk". Any pause or prayer you offer simply expresses your gratitude for what you are able to do today that couldn't be done of our lifestyle hadn't been assured by somebody's willingness to do something or go somewhere for your sake.
If you see a veteran today, thank him/her. If you lost somebody as a result of a war, remember them.
Always, always be grateful!
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