Saturday, March 14, 2009

Steeped in Prayer

My favorite tea is a wonderful vanilla/caramel blend. From the moment I place the dry leaves in the infuser and pour boiling water into the pot, the delight begins. The steam soothes my sinuses and begins to massage my senses. Then, the concoction goes into the cup (with a few mint leaves as well) and the liquid bursts with taste that exceeds description.

To Steep: 1. to soak in water or other liquid, as to soften, cleanse, or extract some constituent: to steep tea in boiling-hot water; to steep reeds for basket weaving.

Reeds soaking in water are transformed into pliable components of baskets...or mats...or walls...or roofs. Without steeping, they may be brittle...prone to snap in the wind or external pressure. Their substance is different as result of immersion in water or oil...placed in the liquid and left undisturbed they develop a potential exceeding their original capacity.

Yarn crocheted or woven together by the hands of a Pray-er becomes a "prayer shawl". Each stitch is an intercession...and the shawl, draped around the shoulders or enveloping the lap of the wearer is a tangible manifestation of love and healing promise.

What about life...and all the joys and cares that constitute "reality". Can you envision your thoughts, your desires, and your energy "steeped in prayer"? What happens when all that you are and all that you do (or may do) rests in the atmosphere of prayer, undisturbed. What is drawn forth from your heart? What is softened? How do things become more clearly what they "are" after immersion in God's presence and your conversation with the Lord?

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