Monday, March 9, 2009

Fast...Food for the Soul

Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, ‘Rabbi, eat something.’ But he said to them, ‘I have food to eat that you do not know about.’ So the disciples said to one another, ‘Surely no one has brought him something to eat?’ Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work.
John 4:31-35

Most of us who are beyond the 50 year mark have been required by the medical profession to least once. Whether it is in preparation for a "procedure" or if it is for diagnostic purposes, fasting is a way to cleanse the body of normal substances so that somebody can take a better look at how the digestive, circulatory, and intestinal systems are working. Although we don't usually like the process of fasting (especially if it is combined with other methods of cleansing the systems) we are usually willing to do it for the sake of our physical health.

We list fasting as one of the Lenten Practices, but the reality is that we rarely actually do it. I am not sure why that is...because most people who embrace the practice testify to the portals opened during fasting that are not even visible (let alone entered) when we are consuming everything in sight.

Fasting is one of the things that Jesus did. Jesus balanced feasting,socializing,and serving, witn fasting, solitude and being served by those sent by God to attend to his need for comfort and direction.

Today's lesson reminds us, though, that Jesus' essential source of sustenance had nothing to do with food for his stomach. For Jesus, food consumed to sustain the life of the flesh, could not compare to the Will of the Father...which sustains and enlivens life in the spirit.

Can we shift our attitude about food just a bit during these days of Lent? As we gather for Lenten Suppers...or for study...midweek worship... can we envision ourselves as a herd of creatures bustling toward the presence of Christ so that we can gorge ourselves with God's Will? What if we envision Wisdom, Gentleness, Self-sacrifice, Justice, Generosity, Peace, Love as the food to be absorbed by the "systems" in our body?

During these days we seek to be more intentional about following Jesus' way. What can you set aside today that will clear your "body" or your "system" of your typical consumption? How can you be more open to the food that Jesus knew was most do the Will of the Father.

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