Thursday, November 29, 2012

Preparing for Advent--An Introduction

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We are approaching Advent 2012.  This may be the first time you have decided to include Advent Devotions as part of your pre-Christmas plan.  Or, this may be another in a constant stream of your Advents.   
With these days the church of Christ is entering a time of anticipation.  We watch and wait.  We are expectant.  We look toward the day when our lives will experience the birth of Christ in new ways.  We trust that there is not one space of darkness in our lives that cannot be illuminated by the Light of God’s love in Christ.
          We approach Christmas gradually, counting the days, marking the time, patiently moving from readings about darkness to those that tell of the glorious in-breaking of Light that endures forever.
          Why do we do this?  One reason, to be honest, is because it is a tradition -- beloved by many, resisted by some, and forgotten by most who have chosen to fast forward from Halloween to Christmas. 
            But another reason we do this is because it does take practice and intentionality to clear the path for a deep and meaningful Christmas experience. 
Christmas takes time to unfold. It takes time to clear away our preoccupation with prosperity, "good life" and human power. It takes time to notice the deep yearnings of the human spirit for divine love that stretches the seams of the fabric of ordinary life.   As we look at our life we may actually discover that what the world highlights is actually the “stuff” of darkness.  We may also discover that the light of God’s hope, joy and love is breaking in to our lives, even in the midst of situations that may seem very dark and hopeless initially. 
Much of our human condition is dark -- we sin, we are sinned against.  We fear.  We experience tragedy and suffering and injustice.  Yet God calls us to watch and wait and walk towards the Light of His Love, even as God approaches us all the time with the eternal Light of Christ.  As we wander and wonder through the shadows of Advent our desire for the Gift of Christ is heightened.  And then, once again, we celebrate the glorious Light of God’s Love in Christ born within our hearts, our minds and our souls. 
So let us gather together as children gather at the feet of a storyteller. "Once upon a time the people wandered in the darkness of brokenness and sorrow. They were scattered and isolated as the world gained momentum towards destruction." We know how the story turns out, but we stand tiptoed and cup-eared to hear it once again. 
I pray that this Advent, 2012, provides a new sense of waiting, new hopes for you and your loved ones and a fresh awareness of the light of God’s Love given freely for you. 

Using this Devotional--

Each week will include scripture, poetry, lyrics, images, and contemporary (and classic) writings to stimulate reflection and prayer.  Sundays reading will be the gospel reading from the Lectionary, including a prayer to use throughout the week.  Monday will offer some thoughts about darkness and light.  Tuesdays reading will be an excerpt from the Holden Evening Prayer liturgy (plan to attend the Advent Midweek Worship each Tuesday Evening).   Wednesday you will read poetry or sacred writing.  Thursday you will have an image to contemplate.  Friday you will look at verses from an Advent Hymn.  Saturday you will read a psalm or a poem.
This devotional focuses upon the wonder and beauty of light as it meets or spills into  darkness.  It is a prayer exercise dedicated to our approach or avoidance of the textures and contrasts that characterize us, our relationships, and our lifestyles.  
We begin Advent entering the darkness, walking for a while through readings and prayer exercises that deepen our sense of what it means to be in the “dark”.  Each week we will take time to notice the many ways that light peeks into and through darkness.  Then, together, we will celebrate the glorious joy of The Light of Christ given freely and fully so that our lives may be en-lightened forever. 
Perhaps you will set aside time with family, friends or coworkers to have conversation about where you are seeing or experiencing darkness and shadows (or glimmers and beams of light). You may want to purchase a blank journal if you like to write about your devotional time.   
May God Bless your Advent Waiting.  May the Light of God’s love reach deeply into whatever darkness you encounter. 

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