Friday, January 20, 2012

Pressured? Remember to soak!

Life and relationships press in upon us, squeezing out all that we carry with us.  I am talking about the way our thoughts and feelings are released by the pressure that we experience whenever we encounter a person or place.  Our responses are often determined by whatever where, what, or whom our primary focus rests.  

I think of it this way.   

If I am focused upon worry, anxiety or negativity of any sort, the pressure of any connection with another will result in some of those toxins being released.  This happens through word and deed -- it may be apparent what has happened.  At other times it happens through body language, or the spirit (or energy) that I contribute to the space.  This is much more subtle... and it may be easier for me to dodge responsibility by saying "Oh, I did not say or do anything wrong".  Yet we all know that toxic subtleties have great impact, leaving the group with a sense of "What just happened there?  What is that about?"  There may be confusion at best.  Or in extreme cases we may literally infect others with our angst without them realizing it, until they begin to manifest their own negative symptoms.  

On the other hand, if I soak in God's love like a porous sponge

then it is more likely that every time I bump up against another I will "ooze" something of God:  gentleness, compassion, patience, wisdom, generosity, hospitality (the list goes on).

Again, the effect I have may be triggered by a word or deed I offer.  But it may also just be some sense of patience or love that remains after I have left the time and space.  This would certainly be a result of my focus upon Christ in the moment at hand, and it would happen without my knowledge.  If I ask God to fill me (mind, heart and soul) with God's Spirit, then perhaps, just perhaps, I will be less likely to leave behind me a wake of hurt, confusion or chaos.

I guess if I have the capacity to affect others by my acts of commission or omission, I would hope that what seeps through the pores of my presence or my words or my glance would be trickles or gushes of grace, mercy and love.

So, may I remember to return to the Lord, and soak in the Lord, to God's glory and in the name of serving others.
image source:

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