Remember playing hide and seek? Remember the way excitement escalated with the countdown? 3…2….1… Ready or not, here I come!!!!!! The seeker was on the move. The hiders made themselves small and contained….and as still as the flow of adrenaline would permit!
Truth be told, we didn’t want to be the first one found. However… We didn’t want to stay in that hiding place forever, did we? Did you ever experience the feeling of having hidden so well that the seeker couldn’t find you? After a while it wasn’t such a great feeling… right? Even when we have cloistered ourselves in hiding places which once seemed secure and safe in their secrecy, we really don’t want to stay there forever. We all want to be found…and recognized…and loved.
This day before Christmas…this night before Christmas… The seeker who finds every one of us approaches. There is no place you can be and no way you can be that will elude the illuminating presence of God’s light and love.
It is a “most certain” truth – something wonderful is given this night. The cosmic chorus that bursts into songs of joy radiates from the heart of all creation that has been hidden in sin. Our fears, pain, and sorrow will be met face to face by supreme, divine, and eternal Love. Everything will be made new: The sea, the heavens, the air, the fields, the trees, all creatures finned, feathered, furred – ALL will rejoice and sing joyfully to the Lord.
3….2…1… Ready or not, Here He Comes!
Almighty God, you made this holy night shine with the brightness of the true Light. Grant that here on earth we may walk in the light of Jesus’ presence and in the last day wake to the brightness of his glory; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. (ELW)
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