Friday, October 14, 2011

Our blessing, our privilege, our responsibility

The Lord is faithful in all his words, and gracious in all his deeds.
The Lord upholds all who are falling,
   and raises up all who are bowed down.
The eyes of all look to you,
   and you give them their food in due season.
You open your hand,
  satisfying the desire of every living thing.
Psalm 145:13a-16
I walk regularly along the Towpath.  Every October a flock of Cedar Waxwings gathers to harvest the berries on the dogwood trees.  The flock numbers in the hundreds, I am sure.   They seem to eat more than their fill of the berries.  As they bask in the bounty, their twitters and tweets produce a chorus that seems like enthusiasm or excitement!  “Look here!”  “See what I found!”  “There’s more over here!” "Mine, mine, mine!" 
I wonder:  Does any of the chatter translate into “Thank you”?
Perhaps not. 
And that leads me to think about how human beings relate to God’s lavish gifts of all that nourishes and sustains our existence.  We alone have the capacity to not only envision and anticipate God’s provisions, but to also plan ways to provide for ourselves…to “maximize” all that flows from God’s hand.  That is where questions of stewardship and generosity enter in. 
Of all God’s creation, we humans are also the sole creatures who are called to gratitude.  Unlike the leafed, scaled, shelled, finned, feathered and furred, we are equipped with minds that can remember the source of all that comes to satisfy our desires.  Furthermore, as the only creatures who have been created in God’s image, our hands are to be open, so that all that is provided flows through our own lives and spills over to meet the needs of others who are less fortunate.
We are called to be wise, joyful and generous stewards.  We receive the bounty not only to consume as we need, but also to enhance, care for and distribute for the good of others.    
            October and November are months when words like gratitude, thanksgiving, generosity are in the spotlight.  It is a time when our human voices join together in a chorus that might speak for all of creation! 
Thank you, gracious God, for without your open hand, we would cease to live!  

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