Saturday, August 6, 2011

A drop? or an ocean?

If you die, the Lord will give you another life.

This is the truth of living;
it is meant to be transitory,
not everlasting.

is the life-giving nectar of immortality;
it is what we call the water of life.

Come to this water,
walk right in,
and see that every drop
is an ocean all on its own.


The mystics can express in compact phrases the essential truths about what it is to "be in God's love". In this case, Rumi invites the reader to experience the surrender (or death) which occurs when all thoughts that are self conscious in any way are set aside. We die to ourselves...we relinquish the desire to live our lives as self contained, isolated beings who are numb to the adventure to which God calls us each day. It is an adventure in loving (and therefore, living) beyond the limits of human capacity.

How can we grasp the amazing depth, breadth and scope of God's love which was revealed to us in Christ? If you pause to dwell in the memory of the deepest experience you have ever had of love, imagine what it would be like if it was magnified billions of times. Then imagine that a single drop of that experience -- an instant, so to speak -- was in fact an expression that echoes in eternity with infinite possibilities.

I give thanks for the love lavished upon you and me...and all of us... every single moment. I give thanks, too, for those amazing and fleeting moments when something in my being recognizes a shimmer of God's love.

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