It happens all the time. Human beings fail to see the riches spread before their very eyes.
Think of the number and variety of expressions (ranging from philosophical statements to everyday cliches) that convey the same message as this week's Old Testament Lesson from Genesis. Jacob said: "Surely the Lord is in this place and I didn't know it." We don't appreciate the depth and scope of an experience until after the fact. We don't know the beauty and preciousness of a relationship until it is history. We don't see God's action until we look backwards. Hindsight is 20/20.
Yet, just because there are so many quips and quotes about our habitual blindness to the beauty of NOW, do we need to abandon all hope of acquiring a more accurate view (and deeper appreciation) of what is going on?
I don't think so.
What would it be like if once an hour you took a minute to breathe and remind yourself: "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I know it!"
What difference would it make if you looked at whomever or whatever is sharing this place and space and asked yourself: What is God doing here? How is God seeing this?
Don't get me wrong. I do acknowledge the value of reflecting upon the past. I love the gift of memory (at least most of the time!)
However..... I do believe the present contains potential for love and purpose and meaning and beauty that we can access right now.
Give it a try. Let me know what you see!
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