Friday, July 29, 2011

Is it a wrestling mat or a dance floor?

Praying with images can stimulate all sorts of insight. 

I have been wondering about the story of Jacob wrestling all night with the "man" in the desert.  (Genesis 32: 22-31).  As you know, I usually like to find illustrations to complement my musings, so today I began to search for something other than the "Big Time Wrestlers" images, and was rewarded with some beautiful artwork depicting Jacob and the "man". 


One image is simple, a mosaic style.  The other has a surreal quality, with details blending into a swirling,  mystical tone. 

I thought about the times (years ago) when I would invite a friend to have a go at an informal wrestling match.  It could start out as leg wrestling (I often won at that).  But it could also move into some of the flipping and flopping that would eventually lead to a pinning (usually with me plastered against the floor).  

It was usually a fun time, of course, but it was always an activity that emphasized working against one another rather than with one another. 

Then I took a longer look at the images.  I saw that each graphic could as easily be titled "dancing with the angel" as "wrestling with the angel". The divine figure is positioned in a way that could easily be seen as leading dancer rather than a foe on the wrestling mat. Look at the arms reaching out to enfold.  Notice the hands, open and inviting. 

Ok.  So then I found myself wondering about the times that I have been in the presence of a strong lead dancer whose arms are solid, and whose steps are sure.  I think, too of what happens when I exert my own idea of where my feet or body should go -- I bump into the leader, step on the other's toes and in the worst case scenario throw us both off rhythm. 
What to do? It doesn't help to try to take the lead in most cases, because I know that I am clueless when it comes to the intricacy of the dance.  And yet if I turn into a puddle and become totally passive, the dance also ends. 
I need to stay with it.  I need to be activated.  I also need to be willing to be just a bit off balance so that the leader's movements can guide mine.  
So I wonder now, how will it be when I meet God tonight, or in the next hour.  Will it be a wrestling match or an invitation to a dance?   

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