Wednesday, December 8, 2010

If you can't say something nice.......

Amazing!  Scripture again has plucked memory's heartstring and stimulated a lesson from my childhood.  The lesson for today takes me back to a treasured classic. 

Bambi, the Walt Disney movie was first released in 1942, so it was around before I was born. I probably saw it initially when I was 4 or 5 years old.... before that my folks probably wouldn't have taken me to the movie theater.  I can still mist up at the sound of the young fawn crying out:  Mama, Mama! when the hunters take the doe.  I can recall the humble adoration of the yearling in the presence of the patriarch of the herd, Bambi's father.  And of course I still smile at the emergence of young fact, the term "twitterpated" still has all sorts of pleasant connotations for my nearly sixty year old heart.

So that's the walk down the lane... but the stopping point for me today is with Thumper, the rabbit.

(Amazing how the Lord invites us to pause on the path!)

That little guy had the gift/burden of speaking out .... often rather boldly.   But every time he begins to speak uncharitably, his mother intervenes with gentle but firm words:  Thumper, what did your father tell you this morning?  And he says, with the innocence of childhood (although he hasn't really gotten the hang of the lesson):  "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all!"  (click on the link to hear him do his best!)

Wisdom comes to me today about the enduring impact of words...  I suppose I could focus upon the scripture:  for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned....

But I am feeling more childlike today.... so I think I will simply pray with Thumper!  The message is similar, right?  Gee, I wonder if Thumper ever learned to speak the truth in love?

1 comment:

Pamela Czarnota said...

I received this from a reader -- I offer it with her permission.

Ohhhh Pamela- Thumper I just looooooooooooove this little guy and actually I was a bit like him until my pastor made me aware of it. I did not mean to be hurtful or to be nasty -- just plain honest...Well mixed with that German "charm" and my words were taken quite differently by people here... LOL Every time something other then "nice truth" would squeeze itself out of my lips- Pastor would jump into my head and say ;"think about this, Heidi- is this really necessary to say? Is it helping that person in any way ?Is is something nice ???"
But also you Pamela- you are another "Thumper stopper" in me. LOL when ever I decide something, my first decision is always from my heart, impulsive and emotional -you made me aware that I better pause and pray about this issue before making a final decision.

Have a wonderful day and thank you for the little Thumper guy story