Thursday, February 11, 2010

There have been many times this week when my vision has been obscured. The road has been hazardous, with all sorts of debris that is thrown in my way. There have been bumps and potholes, and overspray from others who are sharing the road with me.

There have been times when the sun has broken through, but my sight has been blurred, at best, often because of my failure to take time to clean the lens through which I gaze.

It sounds like I am talking about highway driving, doesn't it?

Well, sure... that is true... anybody who has travelled winter roads this week knows the hazard of navigating without clearing your windshield.

But I'm referring to the time when my sight has been dimmed by the storm of emotions and thought that have been confronting me this week. It has been chaotic within...feelings, fears and desires that are rooted in my own brokenness. And all around me... the unstable conditions have generated waves of turbulent change.

Then there have been the times when the Light of God's Wisdom and Truth have been given in surprising moments.... But even those glimpses can be obscured (like looking through a gummed up windshield) by my preoccupation with the confusion or challenge I face. It is up to me to consent say yes to God...and to accept God's healing presence.

Surrendering my pain or my rigid expectations to God opens me to the cleansing and clarifying action of God's love ... my vision is clear...and I can travel the road with less risk of doing harm to others...or to myself.

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