Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Showing Up

Are you ready for this week's mystery tour? It is both mystical and practical. It is all about God's call...and if you agree to show up and listen you will begin to see marvellous transformations in the making...beginning with YOU.

Start with the reading from Isaiah. Can you begin to "see" the immensity of God and the place YOU have in God's plans? How does the scene in God's temple shift the perspective you have regarding your plans and possiblities?

As I pray this morning I am aware of the vast scope of God's call to me. I confess that I only see what is right before me today...matters of concern that seem so specific and personal, even petty. Still, who am I to declare that this or that word that I speak or action that I "do" is "small". The impact of even the most (seemingly) insignificant word or deed may be used by God to strike a chord in somebody's mind or in their soul. And once that chord is plucked it may reverberate and grow exponentially according to some purpose that God intends.

Being in the presence of God stimulates deep humility. How can my limited human language possibly contain anything "of God?"

There is a promise proclaimed in the mystical scene in Isaiah. That promise meets me NOW like hot coal held in the tongs of God's Wisdom about and for ME!

If I am willing to simply "show up", speaking of God in word and deed, God WILL provide for the purity and truth that God intends. God will use the imperfect "me" to communicate God's Love, which is immense and beyond measure. My willingness meets God's commandment to love God and serve others, and the burning coal of God's Love translates my words and deeds into something that will express God in ways I could never accomplish on my own.

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