Wind, precipitation, humidity, sunlight, moonglow, cloud patterns. For most of my life I've been keenly aware of the way my inner climate responds to what is happening in the atmosphere around me.
My creativity level skyrockets during the late fall and winter months. There is something about the darker, less gregarious hours that invites contemplation...which is expressed in writing, sketching, or patiently rearranging elements of my life and my space.
My productivity and activity levels are higher in the spring and summer months. New interests sprout...I "try on" different paces and places for hiking, biking or sailing. I move with more energy, perhaps....but the fact is that during those months it is more challenging for me to sustain focus... During those months if I can't get "out" I become agitated...maybe even a little cranky.
Most people are affected in some way by the movement and rhythm of the sun. By acknowledging the response of our body, emotions, and mind to what is "out there" we can make choices that will enhance our functions. We don't ALWAYS need to plan activities that are in tension with how we ARE, right? In truth.... if these winter days are difficult for you (as they are for many who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder) I pray that you are gentle with yourself. If you tend to become lethargic, be proactive and create a nest for yourself with soft blankets, interesting reading material, your favorite music.... return to the nest as often as you can, and allow yourself to hibernate.

Winter Solstice...
The Longest Night...
the Shortest Day... marks a turning point. All days are turning points, of course, but this one marks the shift, now, of the days becoming longer. While the days remain short, though, accept the lessons taught by all of nature...
Be as still as you can...accept the blessing of "hibernation" whenever you can. Beneath the surface of the earth all sorts of seeds are dormant and critters are very much alive (albeit very deep at rest). It's the same with you! Trust that!
Blessings to you on this Winter Solstice.
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